Does Green Tea Help With Weight Loss?

Consumed by over 159 million tea-loving Americans in a single day, tea is the second most popular beverage next to water, being served in approximately 2.16 billion cups every day. Even though it is now widely popular in many Western countries, the Chinese have...

What prevents you from growing thin?

Almost all women, who ever tried to grow thin, know the following situation: you choose carefully an appropriate diet for you, stick to it industriously and even lose a couple of kilograms… and that is all! You keep your weight, regardless of all your attempts and...

One of the Most Valuable Weight Loss Tools Available

We know that the key to permanent and effective weight loss is to speed up our body's metabolism. Metabolism simply means the speed at which our body utilizes and burns through food. A fast metabolism means that your body processes and utilizes the nutrients which it...

Why is it so EASY to GAIN WEIGHT during the HOLIDAYS?

I’m sure you have pondered this question, for it is no secret that we all tend to put on a few pounds during this magical time of year! For many of us across the globe, it is a tradition to ring in the New Year with our belts loosened and seams bursting. Read on for 5...

Exercising In Heat

Summer is officially here. Finally you can pack away your jackets and get outside. Summer offers extras hours of daylight and with it the opportunity to spend even more time enjoying outdoor activities. For many, this means more time doing physical activities and...

Is A Sauna Good For Weight Loss After Working Out?

“When I’m dripping with sweat, I feel badass.” is just one of the many quotations you can find on the internet when you look up gym inspirational quotes. Sweat is the body’s sweet reward for people working out hard at the gym. It gives them visual proof that their gym...




Random Quote

Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.

— Hippocrates

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