
People around the world can’t get enough of it. To start a day, almost everyone drinks coffee. Some even enjoy it as a nightcap. Its beautiful aroma alone induces wakefulness in people. Coffee contains caffeine that helps combat adenosine in your brain, thus, giving you a surge of energy right after consuming the aforementioned hot beverage. And that’s only one of the reasons why people enjoy drinking coffee in the morning before taking on the day ahead, it fuels them. A cup of coffee, especially black, is also a great workout booster and can help you through your exercise routine and its proper execution. With that being said, drinking coffee can be helpful with weight loss. Without adding sugar or milk, and instead of mixing in lemon juice to your cup of coffee, this very concoction will be a sure-fire way to shed those extra pounds you have been wanting to get rid of. But as a stand-alone, here are some of the ways coffee helps with weight loss:

  • Working as a stimulant, coffee boosts your workout routine at the gym.
  • Contains the compounds caffeine, theophyllione, theobromine, and chlorogenic acids, coffee boosts the fat burning process.
  • Relieves constipation by improving digestion. Also, it minimizes sugar absorption.
  • Gives the body more energy by breaking down the fat cells, which are utilized by the aforementioned process
  • Helps your body burn more calories through thermos genesis, this is when your body generates heat and energy from the food you digest.

Lemon juice

While the majority of people all over the world start their day with a hot cup of coffee, some start theirs with a refreshing glass of lemon juice. Known to help with weight loss, lemon juice is also abundant with vitamin C and antioxidants which are great for your digestive health. Not only that, but lemon juice also contains diuretic properties, this helps detoxify your body, thereby aiding in effective fat burning. Here are some of the ways consuming lemon juice helps with weight loss:

  • The acidic composition in lemon juice helps detoxify your body by flushing out toxins and unwanted materials in your body.
  • Enhances bile production which aids further detoxification and promotes healthy digestion.
  • Lemon juice boosts metabolism, keeps you hydrated, and lowers your calorie intake low by making your appetite satiable.
  • A glass of lemon juice contains very little calorie (5 to 6 calories), this makes it a refreshing, low calorie drink.

Now, what would happen if we mix these two aromatic and refreshing drinks together?

The product will be the claimed ultimate morning drink that would be the perfect companion for your weight loss journey. To better understand how coffee and lemon juice mixed together might help you lose weight, let us all find out everything there is to know about this new weight loss trend.

Mixing coffee with lemon juice to lose weight has been trending on social media, especially on TikTok, where countless videos have been uploaded on the said app showing TikTokkers drinking the concoction. It was suggested that mixing the two together helps burn fat faster. One TikTokker in particular, Hilda Braso, has received thousands of likes on a TikTok video showing her drinking brewed coffee mixed with lemon juice on her third day of the diet. But after a week of trying out the mixture, she posted another video where she said she stopped the method for it never worked.

Marcela Fiuza, a dietitian and a member of the British Dietetic Association (BDA) said, “There is no physiological explanation that would justify mixing coffee and lemon to lose weight.”

Fiuza said that there has been no evidence to back up the claim that coffee and lemon together assist in weight loss. The dietitian also said that “Not only it is unlikely to have any beneficial effect on weight, but too much caffeine might also cause nervousness, insomnia, nausea, increased blood pressure, and other problems.”

Another BDA dietitian, Aisling Piggott, agreed with Fiuza by telling Newsweek about coffee and lemon juice assisting to weight loss in humans having no scientific evidence. “Much of the research into either lemon or coffee and weight loss is done in mice. Mice are not human and have very different metabolic pathways to us.”

She adds, “There is not a scientific basis to link weight loss to coffee and lemon in humans.”

Coffee and Lemon Juice For Weight Loss

Coffee and lemon juice each have their own health benefits when consumed. Both contain compounds with cancer-fighting properties. Both can also protect you against heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic ailments. But the claim saying both together is a wonder to those who are trying to lose weight still lacks scientific evidence. Here are a few other claims about drinking coffee with lemon juice together and the scientific evidence that might support it or go against it:

  1. Coffee and lemon juice together ease headaches.

Drinking coffee and lemon juice together might either relieve or worsen a headache. If taking a pain relief medication for headaches, the caffeine in coffee can amplify the medication’s effectiveness. Caffeine also has a vasoconstrictor effect which reduces blood flow to your head by tightening your blood vessels, this will relieve your headache. But that very stimulant can also become a headache trigger if coffee is taken with other drinks and food, including citrus fruits (lemon is one).

  • Diarrhea relief.

If you have diarrhea, you are losing a significant amount of fluids in your body. This might cause dehydration. The claim on this says that eating coffee grounds with lemon (instead of drinking them both) is the remedy. But the diuretic effect of coffee will only worsen the dehydration caused by the loss of fluid.

  • Better skin.

 The antioxidant content from both coffee and lemon juice might be able to give you better and nicer skin. The CGA content in coffee improves blood flow and provides better skin hydration. And the vitamin C in lemon juice stimulates collagen production, providing strength and elasticity to your skin. These benefits, however, can still be taken advantage of by consuming coffee and lemon juice separately. No scientific evidence says that you can only get these benefits if you consume both coffee and lemon juice together.

On why this weight-loss trend went viral on social media despite lacking scientific evidence to back it up, Fiuza said, “People compare themselves to others and social media creates an environment in which people compare their lives, eating habits, etc to the perceived ones of the person posting, often in sponsored posts which have been heavily edited.”

While coffee and lemon juice, separately, can help you lose weight, it still is best to couple it with a healthy diet and exercise. Through that, you will be able to achieve your ideal weight.


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Vence Barnes
Author: Vence Barnes

A promoter of physical fitness and healthy lifestyle through my writing.

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