A problem all over the world, especially in developed nations, obesity is regarded as a sort of silent epidemic that results in a whole lot of health issues. Similarly, a large number of people suffer from diabetes, which is also considered somewhat to be a compulsive killer. Combine both and you have a deadly malady in hand! Yes. It is true. Although all obese people needn’t contract diabetes and nor is it a must that all diabetic people turn out to be obese, people who are overweight are at a bigger risk of contracting diabetes, especially the type-2 variety.
Here are some of the possible symptoms of Type 2 diabetes:
Distorted vision
Itchy, dry skin
Many infections
Slow wound and bruise healing
Often urinating
More thirst unintentional weight loss
Fatigue and weakness
Tingling or numbness in the hands, legs, or feet

So, let us find out how exactly these two dreaded lifestyle diseases are related. Obesity or a condition of surplus body weight essentially involves having excess body fat and increases the risk of acquiring type-2 diabetes, which affects the body’s insulin managing capacity. Basically, being obese increases the risk of contracting type-2 diabetes because the more weight we put on, the more our body becomes resistant to the insulin that is produced naturally. When the body loses weight, it becomes more capable to manage the insulin produced and starts functioning in a better manner. This truly points out the fact that a fatal link exists between obesity and diabetes.
Many doctors these days recommend their obese patients cut down on body weight so as to minimize their risk of contracting type -2 diabetes and other illnesses that are associated with obesity like heart disease, hypertension, etc. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has recommended weight loss as a measure to lower elevated blood glucose levels in obese patients with type-2 diabetes. Based on various clinical tests and other procedures, this report clearly states a connection between a decrease in abdominal fat and improved glucose tolerance in overweight people.

Relevant studies have also proved the fact that not only does losing weight result in preventing obese people scale the heights of diabetes, but it also reverses any damage caused to the insulin-producing cells in the body. Therefore, treatment for diabetes becomes challenging in that the root cause of the disease, which is obesity, needs to be targeted first.
Obesity can be best treated through proper diet and exercise. Other than genetic causes, one often finds that right from childhood the person has been on an improper diet, and in combination with negative physical activity, the overweight person gradually moves on to a point of high obesity. This needs to be looked into initially where the patient has to strictly monitor what he eats. Avoiding processed and fried foods totally and cutting down on artificial sugar can help to a certain extent. Eat a balanced diet filled with the goodness of wholegrain, fruits, and vegetables as per your dietician’s or doctor’s advice.
Type 2 Diabetes and BMI (Overweight)
Your risk of type 2 diabetes is influenced by what you eat and drink throughout the day as well as how active you are. You are far more likely to acquire type 2 diabetes if you are “overweight” (BMI of 25 to 29.9), obese (BMI of 30-39.9), or severely obese (BMI of 40 or above). Your muscle and tissue cells become more resistant to your own insulin hormone the more extra weight you carry. You can use our BMI calculator here.
Diet alone is not enough to combat obesity and the various problems that come with it. You need a suitable exercise plan, which should be done regularly and consistently. It is best that you get advice from a concerned professional in this regard and sort out your ‘weighty issues’ at the earliest.
Sources: https://www.obesityaction.org/get-educated/public-resources/brochures-guides/understanding-obesity-and-type-2-diabetes-brochure/
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