Weight Loss Myths

Every regime has its supply of useless folk lore and half-truths that get passed on down the line from person to person. But I'd put weight loss up against any of them for what has to be the most time-wasting and even the most dangerous myths out there. There is a ton...

How To Fix A Slow Metabolism

First, if you want to get rid of that stubborn fat from your butt, thighs and arms and lose those last 10 -15 lbs, you must STOP with the steady state cardio immediately. No more treadmills, elipticals or steppers. Conventional aerobic exercises are not very effective...

How To Ensure That You Exercise With The Right Intensity

We’ve all heard the exercise guidelines that recommend we participate in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity 3-5 times per week. That seems easy enough to implement. Or, does it? The duration and frequency guidelines are very straightforward and easily...

Why Plus Size Models are Changing the Fashion World

Even a few years ago models found themselves out of jobs if they packed on a few pounds after a rewarding vacation in the Caribbean. Such incidents were not only extremely discriminatory they also sent a powerful yet wrong message to the common people. At the same...

Fast Weight Loss for Special Occasions

You have all been through it before, the family wedding is coming up next month and you can’t seem to fit into that suit or dress because you have put on too much weight. So you must lose at least ten or more pounds quickly. Losing weight quickly is not advisable as...

Determine Your Stage and Plot Your Weight Loss Course

We all know that losing weight and improving your overall fitness are things that don’t happen overnight. But, did you know in order to be truly successful that important steps need to be taken before you even start a diet or exercise program? The first thing you...




Random Quote

One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive.
The other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive.

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