You Have Been Programmed to be Overweight

You Have Been Programmed to be Overweight. Throughout the day you are having many conversations with yourself. I'm talking about the internal self talk that in most people never stops. Some of this talk is harmless such as “I need to get some milk today” Some of this...

Spot Reducing Is For The Laundry

Can you give me an exercise that will get rid of the fat on my stomach? What exercises can I do to tone my thighs? Can you recommend some exercises to make my arms, thighs, and stomach smaller and also speed up my weight loss??... I hear questions such as this on a...

Losing Pregnancy Weight: Need a Constant Source of Motivation?

Do you struggle with weight loss? Some days, you feel gung-ho. You're ready to eat salad and chicken all day long, forsaking desserts for good. On other days, you feel completely hopeless. You think, "Why bother?" as you reach to open a bag of cookies. When fighting a...

How much water weight can you lose in a sauna?

What is water weight? When people refer to water weight, they are referring to water that your body is retaining in its tissues rather than sending it to the kidneys. Water retention typically occurs when the body is dehydrated. Your body will hold onto any water it...

Why it’s important to understand the distinction between being overweight and being obese

There is sometimes ambiguity surrounding the definition of the word "obesity," which is used frequently. Does it apply to everybody who is overweight or needs to drop some weight? Or does it go beyond that? Both the phrase "overweight" and "obesity" have medical...

Fiber For Weight Loss

A healthy diet will always lead to a healthy body and weight. And maintaining a healthy body and weight can sometimes be a hard goal to achieve. But thankfully, health communities have come up with diet plans to help you lose fat and maintain your ideal body weight....




Random Quote

One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive.
The other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive.

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