How To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

This holiday season don’t be trendy – avoid the Seasonal Seven (the average weight most Americans gain between Thanksgiving and New Year’s). That’s one trend you don’t want to participate in!... Since the holidays are traditionally a time for fun and indulgence, you...

What prevents you from growing thin?

Almost all women, who ever tried to grow thin, know the following situation: you choose carefully an appropriate diet for you, stick to it industriously and even lose a couple of kilograms… and that is all! You keep your weight, regardless of all your attempts and...

Can You Really Lose Weight in 7 Days?

Just the other day, I received an email from someone that had seen information on my weight loss e-book "7 Days to Achieving Your Best Body Ever". In the email, she asked me if it was possible to really change your body in only 7 days... After thinking for a few...

Cafeteria At Fault for College Weight Gain

Tips on how you can avoid weight gain caused by your cafeteria College weight gain is at an all-time high, and as students continue to pack on the pounds at an increasing rate, we naturally want to know where the blame lies for this growing epidemic. Since food...

Why Plus Size Models are Changing the Fashion World

Even a few years ago models found themselves out of jobs if they packed on a few pounds after a rewarding vacation in the Caribbean. Such incidents were not only extremely discriminatory they also sent a powerful yet wrong message to the common people. At the same...

Take The die Out of Dieting

Tips For Stress-Free Weight Loss If You are sick of losing the same weight over and over, tired of counting "carbs" and worrying about what you "can't eat" or feeling like a failure because your last "diet" didn't work, try these "stress free" tips. You will not only...


Diet Trend Predictions for 2016

Diet Trend Predictions for 2016

The proverbial ‘I am on a diet’ cliché is admittedly becoming tiring for most people. People who want to live a healthy life in 2016 should not deny themselves good food but rather focus more on living fuller lives. As you enjoy life, so will you be able to achieve...

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Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.

— Hippocrates

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